Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summary about Titanic


Titanic is one of the most famous and intresting films in the entire world. This romantic film, which proves that the two lovers of life that love is impossible. Actually the name of the ship that was happening within the movie Titanic. This ship had three different floor. On the first floor of a very high degree was just for the rich. On the second floor is also high, but not the same degree as in the first floor. On the third floor was that law and social class and the poor. But with all these significant differences rose girls that were on the first floor of the opinion in love with Jack that the poor boy was on the third floor. The rose was feyance but didn't like him, she loves Jack diedly. This figure had increased after his father may disagree with her boy friend Jack, but these Habib continue to love, even accsident happend died Jack

Memo Report

To: Scott
From: Ragheb
Date: June 12, 2008
Subject: Workshop report


The following short report summarizes the results of the blogging workshop.
The report also offers suggestion for future projects.


The workshop was given in the lab room (10.20.6) from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. sixteen students from the college attended.


The purpose of the workshop presentation was to show the students how to create a new blog and how to add multimedia to it.

This objective was met. Every student successfully sat on a computer and start working in the blogs. However, it took longer than originally expected. In the feedback forms, two workshop students said they would have liked to listen only instead of listening and working at the computers at the same time. The rest of the participants said they liked the workshop very much. Other suggestion given from the participants was to be better prepared, start on time and speak more loudly.


In conclusion, our project was very good and most of the student they liked it. 14 out of 16 said is one of the best presentations that they saw. My favorite part of project was how to make slide. I also liked teaching and showing other students how to create a new blogger.

Ragheb Nasser


1090 IT Student

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


To: Scott
From: Ragheb
Date: May, 27, 2008
Subject: Best Pc to buy

Hi Scott
How are you? I’ve looked at some computers and I have a good suggestion for you.

I looked at three types of computers which are iMac, Dell and Hp. Dell has the biggest capacity of all. It has 500 gigabytes of hard drive space. The iMac is the most expensive at $1700. The dell is the cheapest at $400.

I suggest you should buy an Dell becouse of a good capacity and good price.


Monday, May 26, 2008

A healthy way to use your computer.

1: You should sit one meter away from any other computers.

2: You should look around the room or look out the window every 20 minutes.

3: You should have a comfortable chair that supports your lower back.

4: You should have the keyboard as the same level of your elbows.

5: You shouldn’t sit close to the monitor.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Active and Passive

1: Somebody stole my mobile phone last week.
2: Somebody cleans the class every day.
3: When did they build these houses?
4: Somebody stole my car yesterday.
5: They are going to build new school.
1: My mobile phone was stolen last week.
2: These class are cleaned everyday.
3: When were these houses built?
4: My car was stolen yesterday.
5: A new school is going to be built.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


1. A hard dive is bigger than a flash drive.
2. An HP computer is better than an Acer.
3. A Mac computer is more expensive than PC.


1. An HP computer is the best computer I’ve ever used.
2. A Flash memory drive is the easiest memory to carry.
3. Windows XP is the most popular operating system in the world.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What can computer do?

Computer can help as to do many things. First, computers are used to calculate numbers. They can also be used for timers. Third, computers can help you to make anew friends by emailing and communicate together. Furth, computers are used to save information. Last, computers can also be used for financial calculation. Last but not least, all of these thing make computer important in our life.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Welcome To My Bloge...


I hope u all to enjoy in my blog.

I was born in Syria. I lived in Qatar for 16 Years, with my family. My father work in Qatar for 30 Years. I finished my study in high school with a good mark. After that I plan to study in college. I study IT in CNA-Q. I study IT because I love computers and I have a good background in computer. I would like to be a Programmer Analyst. I can speak 2 languages, Arabic and English. My hobbies, I like to play football, swimming, and I enjoy to do things in internet.My brother also study IT in USA, after when I finish in CNA-Q I well go to him to Continue my study.
Last but not least I hope you all to enjoy in my blog. plz have fun.