Thursday, June 12, 2008

Memo Report

To: Scott
From: Ragheb
Date: June 12, 2008
Subject: Workshop report


The following short report summarizes the results of the blogging workshop.
The report also offers suggestion for future projects.


The workshop was given in the lab room (10.20.6) from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. sixteen students from the college attended.


The purpose of the workshop presentation was to show the students how to create a new blog and how to add multimedia to it.

This objective was met. Every student successfully sat on a computer and start working in the blogs. However, it took longer than originally expected. In the feedback forms, two workshop students said they would have liked to listen only instead of listening and working at the computers at the same time. The rest of the participants said they liked the workshop very much. Other suggestion given from the participants was to be better prepared, start on time and speak more loudly.


In conclusion, our project was very good and most of the student they liked it. 14 out of 16 said is one of the best presentations that they saw. My favorite part of project was how to make slide. I also liked teaching and showing other students how to create a new blogger.

Ragheb Nasser


1090 IT Student

1 comment:

Scott Dagilis, M.A.T. said...

Hi Ragheb,

Great report on your workshop. You did a fantastic job of presenting to the participants also!